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Pugmark wildlife conservation and rescue force XXIV/75, P.O Mananthavady, Waynad – 670645

Who We Are

About Pugmark  

Pugmark Wildlife is a passionate community of nature lovers, primarily from Wayanad, India, but with dedicated members from all over India. We are a diverse group, including experienced wildlife rescuers, but also individuals from various backgrounds who share a common goal: protecting our natural forests and ecosystems.





Restoration Sites


We collaborate with Forest Departments and other government authorities to achieve effective conservation efforts. Our rescuer menbers are out strength. They have successfully rehabilitated and released thousands of animals back into their natural habitats.


Founded in 2024, Pugmark Wildlife's rescue team is a dedicated group of volunteers based in Wayanad, Kerala.

Eco restoration

Pugmark Wildlife actively participates in eco-restoration efforts alongside the Forest Department.

Environmental campaigns

Driving change: Pugmark Wildlife's campaigns educate, advocate, and protect ecosystems and wildlife.

Young eco warriors

At Pugmark Wildlife, we believe the future of our environment rests in the hands of the next generation.

Pugmark Wildlife is a passionate collective of nature enthusiasts dedicated to the well-being of Kerala's wildlife and ecosystems. Our mission is multifaceted, focusing on:

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation: We provide critical intervention for sick, injured, displaced, or orphaned animals, nurturing them back to health and releasing them whenever possible.

Habitat Conservation: We actively participate in eco-restoration projects, restoring waterholes, planting native trees, and removing invasive species to ensure healthy ecosystems for wildlife to thrive.

Environmental Advocacy: We champion environmental awareness through educational programs, campaigns, and legal action. We empower individuals and urge policymakers to prioritize environmental protection and sustainable practices.

Inspiring the Next Generation: We cultivate a community of young eco-warriors by establishing student units in schools and engaging children in creative competitions and interactive activities. We believe empowered youth are key to a sustainable future.

Through these combined efforts, Pugmark Wildlife strives to create a harmonious balance between human progress and environmental well-being. We envision a future where Kerala's wildlife flourishes in a thriving natural world, valued and protected by all.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Pugmark Wildlife: Protecting Nature's Legacy, Inspiring a Sustainable Future

Resting Tiger

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Ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam. Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam

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Name Subtitle

Pugmark Wildlife envisions a Kerala where:


Wildlife thrives in abundance: Native species flourish in healthy, restored ecosystems, free from threats like habitat loss and poaching.

Forests teem with life: Lush, diverse ecosystems provide vital resources and shelter for a vibrant tapestry of wildlife. Waterholes are plentiful, and native trees offer sustenance and habitat.

Communities champion conservation: A deep respect for nature permeates Kerala's society. Local communities actively participate in protecting wildlife and their habitats, understanding the interconnectedness of all living things.

Sustainable practices flourish: Human activities coexist harmoniously with the environment. Sustainable practices are embraced, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring a future where humans and wildlife can thrive together.

Pugmark Wildlife aspires to be a leading force in achieving this vision. We see ourselves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals, communities, and policymakers to embrace a future where environmental protection is a shared responsibility. Through unwavering dedication and collaborative efforts, we believe this vision can become a reality, ensuring a vibrant Kerala where future generations can experience the wonder of its irreplaceable wildlife heritage.

Our Vision

Pugmark Wildlife: A Vision for a Thriving Kerala

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